An NFT community is everyone who has an interest in an NFT project. NFT communities are key to the success of a project. Let’s talk about how to build an NFT community and get ahead in this thriving field.
In NFT, the Community Is Key
Every major NFT artist knows one truth: it’s not just about creating. To a large extent, it’s about building your NFT crypto community and constantly fostering its support.
Beeple, Trevor Jones, Fewocious, PAK, Mad Dog Jones, and any other prominent artist agree that they would’ve gotten nowhere without the support of their community. Like they say, your work for your name first, and then your name works for you. This has been true in any field, and it’ll always be true for the NFT sphere. Here are some tips to put you in the right mindset that will hopefully help you make it in NFT.
Be Authentic
Only artists who are true to their unique vision achieve success. All major, successful NFT projects, however banal they may seem, come from a place of deep understanding of your own unique ideas, as well as their relevance to the NFT marketplace. After all, your idea is your main selling point.
An NFT Community Doesn’t Exist in Isolation
Building a unique artistic background is what will eventually get you featured in the collections of other artists, allowing for artistic cross-pollination. The global NFT crypto community lives off the support smaller communities show for each other, like in any other artistic space.

Be Human
Authentic storytelling is the name of the game right now: modern communities really like brands with a human face, and your NFT project should have one too. Tell your story, don’t be shy!
This way, you’ll show your community that you’re not here for the profits alone but are ready to deliver quality art.
Be a Team
The undisputed truth is that you can’t go it alone. To manage your project, you’ll need a team. Building an NFT community requires a lot of work and a lot of expertise. That, in turn, takes people.
Ideally, you should find a team that can ensure you a complex promotion; this way, you can not only take your mind off things and create beautiful art without distractions but also jumpstart your sales.
Be Active Outside Your Own NFT Community
Community-driven support is key. Spend your time around other artists, share ideas, and engage in creating things together. This is especially relevant to those who don’t have a solid fan base yet — at the very beginning. All need social proof to give them a start.
Arm Yourself With Social Media
Join as many social media platforms as possible: Twitter, Reddit, Discord, Telegram, and also join servers in virtual worlds like Decentraland — your target audience is already waiting to connect with you there!
Discord Is Priceless for Promoting NFT Projects
Discord, for instance, offers a vast functionality for promoting a media project. Even though it’s a gaming-oriented platform, it has been favoured by countless communities in the blockchain ecosystem. Quick interactions on social media platforms can be a priceless lead to new collectors.
Be Patient
Success doesn’t happen overnight. To make the maximum impact, you’ll need to put in maximum effort. Even though the NFT world seems like a place for a quick flip, only the most resilient of artists create art that sells. If you choose to dive in, accept that you’re in for a long haul.
The NFT community is always full of people actively collecting all kinds of art; even if you don’t feel quite on top of the world yet, with a decent offering, your art will sooner or later find its buyer.
Be Consistent
Building a strong community is one thing; selling your first artwork always feels great. However, what many new and aspiring NFT artists don’t realize is that the NFT world doesn’t actually tolerate inconsistency.

A Community Is a Garden That Always Needs Tending
Artists looking to flip one NFT artwork and run off with the money are probably not even going to make it past step one.
An NFT community, like any other artistic community, requires constant engagement with the audience. If you engage with your fans and potential buyers — they’ll do the same to your artworks.
Leverage Social Media Platforms
Use whatever means you have to engage with your followers: social media, Discord servers, Twitter, spend some extra on proper marketing — get people excited, and you’ll be as excited about the sales. Send brief messages every day with announcements of upcoming NFT drops, whitelists, exclusive deals, etc. Leverage social media to constantly keep your audience in the loop.
Be Determined
Don’t be put off by the initial lack of sales or the seemingly cold attitude from collectors. There are always people out there that are always looking for investment options, and the more active a project appears to be (however small), the higher chance it has to stand out among others.
Use your community to your advantage; don’t just create — engage!
Be Brave
As time passes, the NFT space gets packed with samey-looking NFT art that offers just about nothing to the global NFT crypto community except a statement about the authors’ lack of ideas (and a that of a marketing budget). This is natural for any thriving market, and NFTs are no exception; there’s little chance that the trend is not going to stop.
Standing Out Takes a Mindset
What are we to do, you may ask? Consider this: how many copycats of the Bored Ape Yacht Club do you think you’ll ever hear about? If your answer is “pretty much none”, then why is that?
It’s actually pretty simple: investors and collectors alike are always looking for new NFT projects s offering things no one’s seen before. If you want to attract investors, you’d best have a good idea about how exactly you’re different from other artists.
Truly Unique Digital Art Is Often Quite Bizarre
For example, this NFT, sold by Betweentwonaps on their website, entitles you to a twig kept in an aluminium case. The bids start at $1,200 as of this writing. Feel the urge to grab it yet?
Creating something like this takes a knack and a fair bit of courage. It’s hard to communicate the value of something like this to a wider audience, but inside the NFT community, this kind of thing will be in wild demand.
Be Generous
You have to give if you want to get it, and non-fungible tokens are no exception to this rule. Your audience feels valued if you treat them with exclusive bonuses, NFT drops, invites, referrals, and other kinds of perks. After all, they’re your clients, so make sure they come back!
Be Hyped
Let’s face it: it’s all about hype. If you’re intent on selling your art, you need to know what interests your followers. Make sure to host live Discord streams and other events where community members can connect.
This way, you can multiply the hype, building a strong community around your NFT project. Use Twitter and its short message format to tease your community with the announcements of upcoming drops.
Be Diverse
It always pays to have more than one ace up your sleeve. Building a community is a continuous process, and it needs a constant flow of new offerings from the artist.
Make sure to diversify your list of things to do for the audience: host a raffle, throw an NFT trading competition and challenge your community to take crazy selfies themed after your NFT collection.
This way, you’ll build a tight-knit NFT community that will be a pleasure to join for new people, including artists. The same Discord and Twitter are as invaluable in that as they’ll ever be.