DeFi Staking Platform Development

We are a team of professionals who specialize in DeFi staking platform development and know exactly how to minimize the risk of hacking a smart contract.

ICODA agency provides assistance in creating a protocol that will allow you to trade cryptocurrencies with high interest rate, make loans, issue stablecoins, and insure risks. We provide the client with user friendly open source code, which can always be checked, modified and used in other applications.

Entrust the creation and audit of a smart contract for any task to experienced developers.

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Advantages of DeFi Protocols

  • Transparency. DeFi staking platform development is set on the basis of open source software, so that everyone can check the principles of their work, honesty, reliability and security.
  • Economic efficiency. DeFi platforms removes most of the intermediaries (like inflation rate difficulties), which makes financial services cheaper for end users and more cost-effective for service providers.
  • Ease of access. Decentralized finance offers significantly easier access to cryptocurrency financial services. This applies to both bureaucratic and legal restrictions, as well as the amount of capital and seems to be very attractive to end users.
  • Increased speed and flexibility. Blockchain and smart contracts allow cross-border transactions to be carried out in seconds, unlike traditional banks, where the operation can take up to several days. Not to mention the time of registration of loans, deposits, insurance, etc.
  • Autonomy. DeFi users fully manage assets.

DeFi Staking Platform Development

As far back as 2017, DeFi was reserved almost entirely for geeks and blockchain heads. Nowadays, more and more people are realizing the many advantages decentralized finance has over the fiat market and even over the centralized crypto world. Among the many benefits offered by decentralized finance is DeFi staking.


DeFi staking platform serves more than one purpose: it enables its users to earn passive income on their savings or spare cryptocurrency laying idle between trades. The staked funds can be used for lending and borrowing, liquidity aggregation, and more. On the whole, staking platforms benefit all parties that use them.


At this point, you may be wondering: how worthy is investing in a DeFi staking platform? The answer is: it’s more than worthy, and its worth is increasing over time. The DeFi sector is a huge and ever-developing world, with endless possibilities for users to browse and discover.


In 2021, the DeFi market cap had grown fourfold over the year alone, and the demand for easy, accessible, and autonomous crypto products is constantly on the rise. A DeFi staking platform is not only an investment but also a solution: as more people flock into the field, they’ll naturally opt for platforms and services that are the most accessible and easy to use. One of these platforms could be yours.


ICODA is a team of professionals specializing in blockchain development. Among many other services, we can build a DeFi staking platform. With us, you’ll create a decentralized finance platform offering staking services in line with both the market’s core values and the latest trends.


DeFi solutions, including DeFi staking, are here to revolutionlize finance | DeFi staking crypto assets



Contact ICODA now to get a consultation and start your journey into the world of DeFi staking.


But first, let’s talk about DeFi staking in general and answer some of the commonly asked questions.

In order to be in the trend and use all the benefits of DeFi you need to understand them and use them correctly. To understand the cryptocurrency system, you need to have basic knowledge, DeFi staking benefits and be able to create projects. If you are not a blockchain developer, writing working code can cause a number of difficulties. It is most profitable to entrust the development to those who understand this and provide reliable staking platform development services.


What Are DeFi Technologies?


Decentralized finance, or DeFi for short, is the latest advanced ecosystem of electronic finance based on public blockchains. Similar to cryptocurrency, which is a peer-to-peer system of electronic money, a new trend in this segment serves as a fully peer-to-peer system of financial instruments in electronic form. Most applications are available and open to absolutely everyone. Each user of the network can interact with the ecosystem: manage assets using special applications, carry out trading and lending.


Here is an example of the information architecture of a DeFi-crypto wallet:



Among the features and advantages of DeFi solutions, it is worth noting that business rules are necessarily prescribed in a smart contract. After signing the contract, the DeFi project is launched, while the application can work independently. An advantageous difference from the well-known financial sector is the absence of controlling dispatchers, as well as the need to fill out various complex forms.


DeFi is managed through a smart contract and by voting using tokens. Thanks to decentralization, control over the system is distributed among many players, at the same time there are no unnecessary intermediaries and all operations are transparent and fast. The use of decentralized finance has already gained popularity due to the convenience of obtaining loans without the participation of banks.



Why Stake Crypto?

DeFi is inherently about providing mutual economic incentives, and staking is one of the best examples of that. There are a number of ways the staking business benefits both the user and the platform.




How Staking Benefits the User


For users, it’s a relatively easy way to earn passive income. Whether you HODL your coins, are between trades, or have a bit more crypto than you know what to do with – staking has got you covered. You can sign up, connect your crypto wallet, and lock up your coins to start earning interest right away.




How Staking Benefits the Platform

The platform, in turn, benefits from the staked assets in more than one way. The coins at stake are fed as liquidity into DEX’es (Decentralized Exchanges), used for lending and borrowing on respective protocols, and, of course, for validating transactions, helping a proof of stake network achieve consensus (ETH staking is a good example of that).




How Secure DeFi Are?

 DeFi protocols are considered to be one of the most reliable and secure, since they are created on the basis of blockchain. The information recorded on the blockchain cannot be changed, therefore, no one can fake the data stored in it. In addition, the functions of managing and maintaining the health of the blockchain network are distributed among many nodes, therefore, it does not have a single point of failure, which makes such systems less vulnerable to hacker attacks.


Smart contracts. Asset management and DeFi is carried out through automated protocols – smart contracts, where it is strictly prescribed what and how a particular DeFi protocol should do. Thanks to this, you can avoid most of the mistakes related to the human factor. In addition, smart contracts also remove corruption risks.


Example of a cryptocurrency wallet architecture:


Open source code. All DeFi platforms and their smart contracts are open source software. Thanks to this, anyone can check how the system works and how reliable and secure it is.



Where Are DeFi Applied?

Credit and deposit platforms
This is perhaps the most popular application of decentralized financing. Platforms such as BlockFi, Dharma, Maker DAO, Compound and Zano provide customers with loans in crypto without the participation of banks and regulators. Some such services also allow not only to take loans, but also to invest in cryptocurrency at 3-10% per annum.
Decentralized Exchanges (DEX)
Another very popular type of DeFi platform. They allow you to quickly sell and buy virtual tokens for other tokens and fiat without a centralized intermediary and the need to keep depositing money on the exchange’s accounts, which makes such exchanges more secure. Examples: Uniswap, 0x and Kyber. More about the features of such platforms and their development is written in the article: “How to create a decentralized exchange”.
Asset management
These are various decentralized wallets that function as depositories of assets that are not related to banking and/or government structures. Such services provide users with applications through which holders of cryptocurrencies can safely store and manage their assets. Popular examples: Melon, InstaDApp, Set Protocol.
Exchange protocols
These are decentralized tools based on smart contracts that allow you to quickly and easily exchange one cryptocurrency for another outside exchanges and exchangers. The user simply gives one token and immediately receives another, as in the bank’s cash register. The most popular exchange protocols are Uniswap and Bancor, as well as the second-level Lightning Network. About the latter, you can read the article: “What is the Lightning Network”.
Forecast markets
These are DeFi platforms where people can make predictions about the coming of future events, ranging from sports or political bets to forecasts of stock prices and exchange rates. DeFi makes these markets more accessible and more transparent because they operate on the basis of open source smart contracts, unlike opaque brokers and investment funds. The most popular examples are Syntetix and Augur services.
This type of DeFi-platform allows you to insure movable and immovable property by depositing your funds in smart contracts, which form a common pool of liquidity for payments in the event of insurance events. This market is still very small, but it has good growth prospects in the future. Vivid examples: Nexus Mutual and Opyn.
In DeFi, such tools are very flexible, since their smart contracts allow you to issue tokenized derivative contracts that are executed automatically. Examples: UMA, Synthetix.

DeFi Product Development Process


 DeFi staking platform development  is a complex task that requires deep knowledge of finance, blockchain and cybersecurity. Therefore, it is best to entrust the creation of such software to a technical partner with the appropriate personnel and development experience, such as ICODA. Our company has been developing various DeFi solutions in the field of blockchain and fintech – from smart contracts to decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges. DeFi staking platform development is one of you key competences 




How ICODA Approaches DeFi Staking Platform Development


Suppose you turned to ICODA for DeFi staking platform development services. Here’s what working with us will look like:




Business Analysis

The development of a DeFi platform, like the launch of any other project, begins with business analysis. At this stage, you and your technical partner lay down the overall concept, tasks, technical requirements and functionality of the project; this will further help you choose the optimal technology stack and set up the architecture of the product, as well as come up with the initial design requirements.





At the next stage, you need to clearly define the requirements for the design and technical component of the software being created. The DeFi staking platform development design requirements imply the creation of a common UX strategy, multiple user personalities, user flows, information architecture, low-precision wireframes and other things.


Next, you need to work out the technical requirements, finding a middle ground between meeting the needs of end users and your business goals. The result of such changes should be the structure of the overall data flow, the architecture of the platform, the principles of quality assurance, the technology stack and the development plan with an estimated time and cost of the project.





Design UX/UI

UX/UI design is an integral part of any application. In the case of a DeFi staking platform, it should be as simple and understandable as possible since its end users are ordinary people unfamiliar with blockchain technologies and decentralized finance. Ideally, working with your service should not differ from working with traditional asset management, lending, insurance or investment applications. Together with our design team, we will combine your aesthetical vision and your desired interface with the latest trends in ergonomics, user-friendliness, and natural design flow.




Smart Contract Development

In most cases, the correctness, reliability and security of your DeFi platform will depend on the quality of smart contracts. They are the bedrock of any DeFi-product since they entail the gearwork of the entire system.


In addition, it’s worth noting that, depending on the quality of implementation, smart contracts can both increase the security of your DeFi platform and make it more vulnerable to cyberattacks (most of the hacks of DeFi projects, if not all, are carried out thanks to loopholes in their smart contracts). Our development team will not only write a solid smart contract but also audit it thoroughly using our in-house solutions to ensure that its sailing is both smooth and secure.





The immutability of smart contracts makes it so that with every fix and alteration, there’s a hard reboot. Our development team will work closely with you and make sure that every aspect of back-end/front-end development is accounted for.




Testing & Deployment

Before your project’s out, we run various stress and UX tests to ensure it’s in ship shape before it’s sailed. Once we’ve made sure of that, your DeFi staking platform is ready to go live on both desktop, AppStore and GooglePlay.




Support & Updates

We keep a close watch over your platform’s performance and make alterations after its launch to make sure it provides the best experience in a live environment.


ICODA has been in the game for years, and we know how to make a project that both fits in and stands out. By working with us, you’re securing yourself a DeFi staking platform that is on par with the market’s demands for quality and performance. Reach out to us now and get quality development services with lifetime support and other bonuses to enjoy.


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ICODA was willing to help us in hard circumstances. It was amazing what the team can do in such a short time. Work on PR, Youtube, and Twitter influencers was amazing. Great experience. Willing to work with them long-term.

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ICODA team has a very professional approach and moreover, they always find solutions for any given problem. They are responsive, loyal, and always trying to help.

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We’ve tried using different agencies for the Russian market. ICODA went out of its way and delivered high-quality content and advice to enter this complicated market. We’ll definitely work again with Vlad and his team.

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Working with a team outside Korea often feels a little risky – will they understand the native language, the nuances, details? Well, I can say that the interactions I have had with ICODA have been better than most of my Korea-based partners.

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I worked with ICODA on our project. I found them to be very professional and attentive at all times. Dealing with issues & challenges speedily. They have great expertise in and around crypto marketing and promotion.

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Friendly staff, accommodating and easy to work with. Generally, ICODA is great to deal with. We also appreciate the quality of the work.

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