An NFT Roadmap is a step-by-step document that shows the whole route of the business. It shows the aims and plans of an NFT project to show its long-lasting strategy. NFT roadmaps usually involve major events and stages of a business and plans to make it soar. It is the gateway at which investors decide whether or not NFT projects are worth attention.

NFT roadmap examples | Find out how to make a good roadmap and highlight key project milestones
What Are NFT Roadmaps For?
By announcing your NFT project, you are inviting people to invest in your future, not your present or past. If you want them to trust you and hand over their money, you should better make sure that the future looks attractive — and that is why you need an NFT roadmap. It serves as a visual representation of your project’s future. It also helps people within the NFT world to pass an informed judgment about your investment potential.
By adopting an NFT roadmap, you will be able to:
- Onboard new NFT holders with ease;
- Incentivize purchases by providing goals;
- Address scalability issues early on;
- Clear your mind cause you will know that you have a plan.
Also, it will be so much easier to attract investors further down the line because they will see where you are at right now and where your project team is currently headed.
If you need help creating a quality NFT roadmap or looking to have it done for you, ICODA is the way to go. We offer an exhaustive range of services in both marketing and development to create successful roadmaps.
Does Your Project Need an NFT Roadmap?
The short answer is no, but you should think twice.
An NFT roadmap per se is not essential to the success of NFT projects. However, it is absolutely crucial for any project that hopes, alongside some initial sales, to gain some media traction, and following that, it could then pour over into their future projects.
If that is the case with you, make no mistake: you need an NFT roadmap. Besides, the absence of one will often be seen as a red flag among viewers.
How to Approach Making a Good NFT Roadmap
Before deciding on what things to put on the NFT roadmap, answer these questions:
What does my NFT project have to offer? What makes it alike, and what sets it apart from other NFT projects? What are the key NFT utilities?
What do my investors NEED to know, and what MIGHT they want to know?
How will I communicate with my target audience and share news and announcements regarding updates and virtual events?
Once you have got the answers, you are ready to start the development of the NFT roadmap.
For that, make sure to:
Formulate clear, attainable, and smart goals for your NFT project
If you put something like “To the Moon” as the general direction of your project — chances are, your sales will only start the moment you set foot on the said Moon. People like to see clear, achievable, and measurable goals, and it is in your interest to provide one to instill confidence.
You aim to make it in fashion — list the brands you have already agreed with or plan to agree with to integrate. You see your project become trendy in tech — tell your audience what field or brands you see yourself conquering and at what time. And, once again, make sure to back those ambitions with at least some evidence that you can indeed do that, or you will lose the confidence of potential investors that could be of great help with kicking off your sales.
Find ways to reward community members
Discounts, bonuses, giveaways, partner program referrals — all that should be used to your advantage and stated clearly in the NFT roadmap. What WILL the investor get on top of their original NFT investments? What will they benefit from? The NFT roadmap should have it all.
If you are planning to launch a coin — make sure to include any info about its current development status as well as governance and/or staking perks for future NFT holders.
Show that you have room to grow
Your NFT project should be eye-catchy and involving. Make sure to include any info regarding your development and expansion plans: integration with other services, real-life and exclusive merch, launching and listing your token — anything giving your project depth and extra substance in the eyes of the potential investor — should be here.
You should always keep the NFT roadmap on your website and open to the public so that investors know you are taking it seriously and can be held accountable.
At ICODA, you can get a professional consultation on a range of NFT-related services, including promotion and NFT roadmap development.
Core Principles of an NFT Roadmap
When working on your NFT roadmap, make sure to keep it:

Where can I find NFT roadmap examples? Check out how to make your business or NFT collection soar over other projects
Use pictures, icons, and other creative visuals to reinforce your NFT roadmap and make it memorable. For most investors, your NFT roadmap will be the place of initiation, the gateway at which they will get to feel the vibe of the NFT project and see if it clicks with them.
The style of your NFT roadmap should go in line with the overall style of your NFT project and be fully representative of its core aesthetics and goals. Avoid bland, single-color tables and bullet-point lists unless they are part of your style.
Readable & Concise

NFT worlds roadmap: find the best NFT roadmap examples on ICODA, and we wi help you to set realistic goals and boost your project
Keep it short. Keep it simple. This works for any advertising or marketing campaign, and your NFT roadmap is no exception. Make sure to lay out the essence of your milestones in as few words as possible and as catchily as possible. Not everyone wants to spend minutes trying to make things out.
Make sure to include a disclaimer saying that the current roadmap is always subject to change. Be clear about which milestones are the most attainable, which one might be tweaked and shuffled around, and why. This way, you will raise the awareness and confidence of your potential investors and make your NFT project come off as more trustworthy.

Roadmap to make you community involved in a treasure hunt | All about road map on ICODA and great example here
Break down your growth into phases. You can stick to either a monthly or a quarterly model to make a clear roadmap. Tie up your goals into discernible groups so that they are easily discernible and do not create any distractions for the viewer.
If you want to create a perfect NFT roadmap for your project and make your community engaged — feel free to contact ICODA.
Types of NFT Roadmaps
There are different types and subtypes of NFT roadmaps that you need to be aware of before creating your own. Generally speaking, they can be divided into two categories:
In this model, you execute your milestones based on the prior performance: the next goal can only be achieved if the desired percentage of sales is.
When putting out a percentage roadmap, you are basically telling your audience: “our performance depends on you. You will be the one responsible should the company succeed or fail.” This might quickly put off investors looking to grab an NFT for a quick flip. The downside of that is early investors and those with a hands-off approach may not feel as compelled to get in early and are less motivated to stick around.
If you pick a percentage-based model but are not 100% sure about your development paces and/or your community, you should be putting yourself at risk. It is mostly good for projects that have already had a prior history of success or those with a more tight-knit and active audience.
In this model, you execute your plan at timed milestones irrespective of the performance of the project so far.
Time-based roadmaps can make up for what percentage-based ones may lack; they tend to be viewed as more reliable.
With a time-based roadmap, you can move past hurdles, showing your audience that your project is still alive and well and, therefore, worth attention. They will know that the stated milestones will be passed no matter what, provided you have enough funding and media traction to keep going. Percentage-based model is mostly good for projects that need to raise a bit of capital before kicking off their sales.
Some businesses opt for a ‘hybrid’ model wherein you execute plans according to the timeline but also implement extras, perks, and giveaways whenever a certain sales percentage is hit.
Final Thoughts About Roadmaps
If you are ready to start creating a roadmap, it means that you are ready to dig into the world of non-fungible tokens and projects that are tightened to them.
First, your company has already selected your vision of the project that you have to offer: an advanced strategy for what the product will accomplish in the industry and for your business. Second, you and your team have created a high-level strategy to make your idea real. This strategy does not need to be fully active and documented. So, that is a good moment to integrate the roadmap. That is what the product roadmap itself is for.
Need professional help with your NFT project? ICODA is the place to go. We offer a wide range of quality services spanning NFT marketing, blockchain development, content creation, listings, and other useful solutions for building a good roadmap and promoting it. Contact us to start your successful journey in the NFT space.