Google Crypto Advertising

Rely on Experts to Achieve Your Goals

Google is not only the most popular search engine in the world but also an online advertising network with the largest audience. Thus, Google Ads are essential for any modern business that wants to grow and make a profit.

However, running crypto ads on Google is challenging – the corporation doesn’t really like anything blockchain-related, so it is hard to get crypto ads through moderation and keep advertising campaigns operational.

Here at ICODA, we have extensive experience with running Google Ads for various cryptocurrency platforms and blockchain projects. So, if you want to truly establish your presence online and reach out to billions of users around the world – you won’t find a better team than ICODA.

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Benefits of running Google Crypto ads with ICODA:

Custom-made data-driven strategies
We create and launch Google AdWords campaigns tailor-made for your project, taking into account your business goals, objectives, and specific development situations. Combining our data-driven approach with extensive experience in advertising, we are able to optimize the strategies and ensure that you’ll get the maximum possible result for your advertisement budget.
Individual approach
You’ll get your personal manager, who will take control of the entire promotional work performed by ICODA for your project. Moreover, you’ll also get a dedicated team of experienced specialists focused on promoting your company and helping you establish and develop your online presence and brand recognition.
Passing the moderation
Google is notoriously difficult for crypto businesses to promote their products. Google moderation is more strict than the licensing regime for a crypto exchange in most jurisdictions. However, our experts know how to get ads for cryptocurrency projects through the moderation process effectively.

How ICODA Runs Crypto Google Ads

Crypto projects, crypto wallets, and cryptocurrency exchanges should find out how to promote financial products and don't look like financial scams


Keyword research

We carefully study your project, determine the target audience, and then run a comprehensive keyword analysis. The primary goal is, naturally, to get a set of keywords that will provide the most leads and sales. We also pay special attention to the keywords that appeal to your target audience and those used by your competition, so you’ll have a considerable advantage in a highly competitive cryptocurrency market.


Setting up campaigns

At this stage, we create your adverts and set up your accounts, ad groups, and campaigns in such a way that ensures maximum ROI for you. Naturally, we use the results of the keyword research for that, but we also take into account Google guidelines and your local legal requirements for crypto companies, so you won’t have any issues on this part.


Monitoring, tracking, and optimization

The key to success in online advertisement is flexibility and adaptability. We use the most advanced tracking and monitoring tools available today to get the most accurate measure of campaigns’ effectiveness and adjust them on the fly using this data. This way, we maximize the ROI and get the best result possible for the budget.



Crypto ads, ICODA, and Google moderation

Cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets have to follow strict Google guidelines


Google restricts all advertisements of blockchain-related products and projects. It doesn’t matter what the project really does – if it is connected to the blockchain industry, Even a company that is officially licensed as a money services business can have issues with passing Google moderation. It can be even said that the corporation is more stringent than government agencies, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission or Financial Services Regulatory Authority.


Thankfully, our extensive experience allows us to use a number of strategies to pass Google moderation and conduct effective promotion for virtually any digital asset service provider while also ensuring compliance with local legal requirements.


First of all, we improve your website’s trustworthiness in the eyes of Google (all other pages and accounts involved in the advertising also get the same treatment). After that, we launch a campaign linking directly to your websites so Google takes a more favorable stance about it. However, due to Google’s bias against all things crypto, including cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets, NFTs, DeFi, and GameFi, as well as platforms providing automated trading services, this approach is not as reliable as we would like.


The second step is to create a Landing Page fully compliant with all Google guidelines. All the traffic will be directed to this new page, which will be linked to your website or social media pages. In the absolute majority of cases, this method brings satisfactory results. 


Naturally, there are also methods like so-called “cloaking,” but we treat it as a last resort and try to avoid it unless absolutely necessary.

Due to the immense reach and incomparable audience size of Google, all properly set up advertisement campaigns have huge potential. However, not all types of ads are created equal, and some, in our experience, significantly outperform others in terms of ROI.



What types of Google Ads are the most effective for crypto?

Search Ads
The “old reliable” Google Search Ads enable exponential growth of your traffic. In addition, Search Ads allow us to leverage advanced targeting strategies to the fullest and make sure that ads are shown only to your target audience and no funds are wasted. Finally, it is one of the most predictable types of advertising, so it can be used as a reliable baseline for planning. Moreover, the ability to use dynamic search ads allows us to match users’ searches with your ads and automatically show your crypto ads to people who search for something relevant to your project at this very moment.
Display Ads
Displaying banners on websites that are part of Google Display Network is a very cost-effective method of advertising. The thing is that they use a pay-per-click model instead of pay-per-impression, which is more typical for display ads. Given that there are more than two million websites in Google Display Network, it is a very cost-efficient method to show your crypto ads to as wide an audience as possible.
Youtube Ads
Videos are the most engaging form of content on the Web, and they can and must be leveraged in any promotion. Video ads are the most attention-grabbing and have the most chances that they will actually be remembered by the viewer.  Our specialists will make sure that all of your video ads will be of high quality, memorable, and will generate a lot of leads and sales.
Responsive Ads
A new format of ads that is heavily pushed by Google. Headlines and descriptions of responsive ads change dynamically depending on what the user seeing the ads has searched on Google. Such ads are more engaging and have higher conversion rates than more traditional search ads. 

ICODA – your guide in the Google marketing environment


The team of experts that we assembled at ICODA has unmatched experience in running crypto Google Ads and overcoming any challenge the mega-corporation has to offer. 


Our specialists will take care of all marketing processes, from developing the overall strategy to setting up campaigns and making creatives for them. Moreover, they know everything about Google moderation and make sure that all projects, even cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets, are able to pass it.


Our data-driven approach and constant on-the-fly optimization of advertising based on obtained data ensures the maximum effectiveness of your advertising budget and great ROI.


If you want to see your traffic skyrocket – feel free to contact us!


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