Vladislav Pivnev
- Blockchain Enterprise Days
- UNCHAIN 2019
- World Blockchain Summit
- TOKEN2049
✓ Marketing Consultant at 5+ ICOs projects
✓ ICOs analyst
✓ Speaker at blockchain conferences
✓ Investor
I have been involved in blockchain and cryptocurrency theme since 2016. From April 2017 I’m an active participant in ICO projects as a marketing consultant, marketing specialist and tokenbuyer.
I am an active visitor of the blockchain meetings, invited speaker of a range of events (ICO Brothers Meet Up 09.11.17; Next Fest Blockchain 24.03.18).
I am also engaged in ICO projects as a private investor. That’s why I’m able to analyze ICOs projects from both points of view: as a potential tokenbuyer and as a member of ICO’s team.
External Articles by Vladislav Pivnev
Articles by Vladislav Pivnev
Scopri come far crescere il tuo server Discord con i consigli degli esperti, le migliori piattaforme pubblicitarie e le strategie comprovate per la creazione di una comunità Web3.
27 Dicembre, 2024
Scopri come le agenzie di marketing per piccole imprese possono accelerare i tuoi progressi nel 2025.
18 Dicembre, 2024
L’evento esplorerà il potenziale dell’IA di rivoluzionare i settori industriali, affrontando al contempo le sfide etiche e di governance più importanti.
17 Dicembre, 2024
Unisciti a ICODA al Summit SBC 2024 a Lisbona! Ottieni approfondimenti esclusivi, fai rete con i leader del settore e approfitta del 50% di sconto sui biglietti con il nostro codice VIP.
12 Novembre, 2024
Scopri i fattori essenziali per un’implementazione di successo dei token nei progetti di iGaming, con i casi di studio di Rollbit, BetFury e BetConstruct, che evidenziano le strategie, le scelte della blockchain e le intuizioni di marketing.
09 Novembre, 2024
Unisciti a oltre 10.000 esperti di criptovalute al Blockchain Life 2024 di Dubai. Assicurati subito il tuo posto con uno sconto esclusivo del 10% utilizzando il codice promozionale. Scopri le ultime tendenze e fai rete con i leader del settore.
05 Novembre, 2024
Esplora le migliori pratiche per promuovere i token meme nell’estate 2024 con un’analisi approfondita del lancio del token CATDOG.
05 Novembre, 2024
Massimizza il traffico per i progetti di iGaming utilizzando Telegram. Esplora gli annunci a pagamento, l’influencer marketing e le tecniche di creazione di comunità per far crescere il pubblico del tuo casinò online e aumentare il ROI.
05 Novembre, 2024
Partecipa al Conversion Conf Meetup a Lisbona, 2024! Partecipa a discussioni stimolanti, amplia la tua rete di contatti ed esplora innovazioni all’avanguardia.
27 Ottobre, 2024
SunPump è un DEX sulla blockchain TRON che consente agli utenti di negoziare e promuovere token meme come $TDS, $SUNWUKONG e $AFRO. Grazie a contratti intelligenti sicuri, SunPump offre un’esperienza di trading trasparente e divertente.
27 Ottobre, 2024
Mentre il panorama degli NFT naviga nella sua complessità, Rarible e il suo approccio lungimirante sono un esempio di resilienza e innovazione.
Al di là del mondo dell’arte digitale, gli NFT hanno il potenziale per ridefinire la proprietà, proteggere la proprietà intellettuale e contribuire a un cambiamento globale delle strutture sociali.
Che si tratti di affrontare le sfide del branding o di esplorare casi d’uso nascosti, il futuro degli NFT sembra essere un arazzo di innovazione, pronto a lasciare un’impronta duratura sulla tela in evoluzione della tecnologia e della società.
29 Luglio, 2024
Siamo entusiasti di condividere una notizia entusiasmante con i nostri clienti, partner e comunità.
ICODA Digital Agency è stata riconosciuta come vincitrice di Clutch Global e Clutch Champion, un riconoscimento assegnato all’élite del settore, che ci colloca nel 10% delle aziende migliori di questo autunno.
Questo risultato evidenzia il nostro costante impegno verso l’eccellenza e l’innovazione nel settore digitale.
28 Luglio, 2024
Il panorama fintech è un regno dinamico in continua evoluzione e Wiki Finance Expo Hong Kong 2024 è l’evento da non perdere.
In programma per il 17 maggio 2024, questa fiera è pronta a rappresentare un momento di trasformazione nel settore della finanza digitale e della tecnologia.
28 Luglio, 2024
Abbiamo una buona notizia per gli appassionati di blockchain e criptovalute.
ICODA diventerà un importante media partner di Crypto Expo Milano 2023, che si preannuncia come un momento cruciale nell’abbraccio di blockchain, criptovalute, finanza decentralizzata, NFT, metaverse e web 3.
28 Luglio, 2024
Axie Infinity è un fenomeno dell’industria videoludica.
Costruito nella tradizione dei giochi multiplayer di massa con elementi di clicker e giochi di carte, è stato il primo della serie pay-to-earn.
La sua caratteristica specifica è una base tecnologica che ti permette di monetizzare i risultati in denaro fiat.
28 Luglio, 2024
Oggi parleremo di cosa sono esattamente le aziende di pubblicità creativa, di come utilizzarle in modo efficace e di quali sono quelle da tenere d’occhio nel prossimo futuro.
26 Luglio, 2024
Nel panorama in continua evoluzione dell’era digitale, il 2023 ha visto un’allarmante impennata delle truffe di phishing di criptovalute, lasciando le vittime nella disperazione e i truffatori a godersi i guadagni illeciti.
Secondo un rapporto di Chainalysis, queste truffe hanno registrato una crescita esplosiva, con un’incredibile cifra di 374 milioni di dollari sospettati di essere stati rubati nel corso dell’anno.
26 Luglio, 2024
Per contrastare la crescente minaccia delle criptovalute malware, è indispensabile aumentare la vigilanza e adottare misure di sicurezza proattive.
Approfondendo le sfumature del cryptojacking e implementando solide tattiche di rilevamento e prevenzione, gli utenti possono rafforzare le loro fortificazioni digitali contro questo dinamico panorama di minacce.
26 Luglio, 2024
Phemex è nota soprattutto per due cose: la possibilità di creare dei sottoconti all’interno di un conto corrente e l’attenzione verso l’utente, anche se non è detto che sia sempre così con la crescita dell’azienda.
È possibile che queste funzionalità le diano un vantaggio rispetto alle borse concorrenti.
26 Luglio, 2024
Ti sei mai chiesto se la tua canzone preferita potesse essere composta da un robot invece che dal tuo artista preferito?
Benvenuto nell’era dell’Intelligenza Artificiale (AI) nel settore musicale, dove i confini della creatività vengono ridefiniti.
In un mondo in cui la tecnologia continua a evolversi a un ritmo senza precedenti, l’intelligenza artificiale sta facendo faville, non solo nella creazione di musica, ma anche nel rimodellare il tessuto stesso dell’industria. Molti di loro credono che i calendari di gocce NFT li portino lì.
Ma come?
24 Luglio, 2024
Questo è un rapido sguardo alla fattibilità delle NFT di Cardano come strumento di investimento.
Ti abbiamo anche mostrato le cinque migliori piattaforme perfette per i trader principianti e avanzati.
In generale, se vuoi negoziare NFT, lanciare il tuo mercato o promuovere le tue collezioni, hai bisogno di informazioni e noi di ICODA te ne forniamo in abbondanza.
23 Luglio, 2024
Sfortunatamente, il mercato NFT ha vissuto una sorta di crisi negli ultimi tempi, con un calo dei prezzi che ha provocato una diminuzione dell’attività di mercato.
Naturalmente, con il giusto approccio, puoi sopravvivere tranquillamente a questa tempesta.
Ecco una tabella di marcia:
23 Luglio, 2024
Telegram è diventato un punto di riferimento per tutti coloro che sono interessati a saperne di più sul settore delle criptovalute o che vogliono semplicemente partecipare alla conversazione.
Ma con tutta questa popolarità arriva anche un numero spropositato di artisti della truffa che cercano di approfittare di vittime ingenue e ignare.
22 Luglio, 2024
Siamo lieti di condividere con te alcune entusiasmanti novità! ICODA è lieta di annunciare la sua partnership con uno dei più esclusivi eventi europei su blockchain e Web3, il Next Block Expo (NBX). Si terrà a Berlino, in Germania, il 4-5 dicembre.
22 Luglio, 2024
Al giorno d’oggi, le aziende utilizzano tutti gli strumenti promozionali del loro arsenale per costruire la loro base di clienti, quindi non possono permettersi di ignorare le relazioni pubbliche (PR). Tuttavia, quando si tratta di imprese business-to-business (B2B), ci sono aspetti unici delle PR che devono essere presi in considerazione per comunicare con altre aziende piuttosto che con i clienti abituali.
In quanto azienda tecnologica, potresti chiederti: cosa sono le PR tecnologiche B2B? Ecco la risposta alla tua domanda.
16 Luglio, 2024
Quest’anno la capitale portoghese, Lisbona, ospiterà il tanto atteso evento NFC dal 28 al 30 maggio, promettendo un’esperienza dinamica e coinvolgente per i partecipanti provenienti da tutto il mondo.
09 Aprile, 2024
La finanza decentralizzata è sul punto di rivoluzionare il panorama finanziario globale. Sono lontani i tempi in cui la DeFi era solo una parola d’ordine tra i circoli tecnologici e gli appassionati di criptovalute. Oggi incarna un fiorente ecosistema pronto a democratizzare la finanza rendendola più accessibile, trasparente e inclusiva.
29 Marzo, 2024
Negli ultimi anni abbiamo assistito alla nascita e al declino di molte monete alternative nel giro di pochi mesi o addirittura in tempi brevi. Il dominio del bitcoin è ineguagliabile e incontrastato da parte delle altre criptovalute presenti sul mercato, il che porta a un mercato spoglio con pochissime opportunità per gli investitori e gli imprenditori emergenti.
20 Marzo, 2024
Quest’anno è diventato una pietra miliare nell’evoluzione del gioco d’azzardo online, segnando un cambiamento significativo verso la trasformazione dei casinò crittografici in piattaforme più coinvolgenti e interattive. Sono finiti i tempi in cui queste piattaforme erano solo un mezzo per piazzare scommesse. Ora si sono trasformati in regni digitali onnicomprensivi che catturano l’attenzione dell’utente fin dal primo clic.
15 Marzo, 2024
Gioco d’azzardo e criptovalute: una combinazione logica e di tendenza. Le sfumature e i vincoli normativi in entrambi i settori hanno costretto gli operatori di questo mercato a essere inventivi nella promozione, sperimentando attivamente canali di acquisizione del traffico.
14 Marzo, 2024
Certo, siamo tutti abituati a sentire parlare di varie attività volte alla costruzione di comunità, con un’enfasi frequente sui lanci aerei. Tuttavia, la blockchain di Solana ha portato la cosa a un nuovo livello, pensando: “Perché non fare un hackathon? È una strategia vincente”, e avevano ragione. Gli hackathon sono diventati da tempo parte integrante della cultura tecnologica moderna, contribuendo allo sviluppo di progetti e allo scambio di conoscenze. Nonostante l’attenzione alla tecnica, gli hackathon si sono dimostrati anche uno strumento efficace per il marketing della comunità.
14 Marzo, 2024
Il prossimo Singapore Blockchain Festival si propone di illuminare le tendenze più avanzate della tecnologia blockchain, delle criptovalute e della DeFi. Pensato per rivolgersi a un pubblico eterogeneo, il festival è un’esperienza poliedrica che offre uno spettro di approfondimenti, laboratori interattivi e mostre coinvolgenti.
14 Marzo, 2024
Il Santa Clara Convention Center nella Silicon Valley si prepara a ospitare la Blockchain Expo North America 2024, segnando un evento significativo nella sfera della blockchain e delle criptovalute. In programma per il 5 e 6 giugno di quest’anno, la fiera è pronta a riunire un gruppo eterogeneo di partecipanti, tra cui sviluppatori di blockchain, leader del settore, investitori e imprenditori.
13 Marzo, 2024
As more and more newfangled fintech companies enter the market, it’s becoming increasingly more competitive. Already now, for fintech companies, just offering cool services isn’t enough. To win big, you’ve got to have a solid digital PR game. So, why is PR a big deal for fintech firms striving to be the best?
10 Ottobre, 2023
In the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, Crypto Zombie has emerged as a prominent figure who has captivated the attention of crypto users worldwide. This time, we’ll reveal details about Crypto Zombie, exploring his background and his contributions to the crypto space.
15 Settembre, 2023
Web3 promises a secure, transparent future where you can buy cars, houses, and anything in a virtual world. Many believe it will be the solution for all the Web2 challenges we’ve faced in terms of security, transparency, censorship, and governance.
12 Settembre, 2023
We’ve outlined some of the finest Web3 events you can find in 2023. Plus, since we’re closing out this year, we’ve also added some fantastic 2024 options. Let’s go through them one by one.
07 Settembre, 2023
In the digital jungle, digital identity verification has become our survival instinct. It’s our firewall against fraud, identity theft, and unauthorized access to sensitive information. It acts as the bedrock of secure and reliable digital services, be it online banking, e-commerce, or social media platforms such as those adopting decentralized identity.
31 Agosto, 2023
By blending the virtual and the physical, MR masterfully amalgamates Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) to deliver an immersive, multi-faceted, and profoundly interactive experience. As we strive to supercharge our technological prowess, it is crucial to delve into the vast potential of MR, the intersection of physical and digital realities, to fully comprehend its transformative implications.
25 Agosto, 2023
Many are already putting their NFT listings on a host of NFT marketplaces. But, how do they do it? What are some top listings? And how do they price the NFTs? We’ll show you how.
24 Agosto, 2023
We’ll tell you about a more standard approach that you can employ, and then share some insight on how you might skyrocket your ByBit votes using some not-so-secret but extremely efficient techniques. Let’s get cracking!
16 Agosto, 2023
In this article, we will delve into the key aspects of the asset, its underlying network, and the entities involved, as well as explore how Axia Coin is poised to create a paradigm shift in the world of finance.
04 Agosto, 2023
How might EVM-friendly chains help you do that? What does EVM compatibility mean? This is what we’re going to cover. We’ll tell you what they are, how they work, and list 10 chains that work well with EVM. Let’s take a look.
28 Luglio, 2023
In recent years we’ve seen a massive spike in interest concerning NFTs. Surprisingly enough, though, we’ve begun to notice how perfect NFTs and cryptocurrencies, in general, are for games. Both of these digital assets carry the spirit of many in-game assets seen in various games.
26 Luglio, 2023
Similar to recent events, the arrival of Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) gives us another glimpse into the dynamics of finance. There are countless solutions at your fingertips, and we’ve outlined the best ten. Let’s have a look.
05 Luglio, 2023
The NFT market, after a tumultuous 2022, is displaying early signs of recovery in 2023. Considering this, we have checked how the industry lives and made a research, which we would like to share with you. Here you can find a full doc, and below – the main findings. Let’s explore it.
26 Giugno, 2023
Canto, being released and founded in the summer of 2022, is steadily growing in the DeFi application and startup spheres. Below we’ve outlined a few tips and strategies you can follow to reach the most success with a Canto project.
24 Giugno, 2023
Marketing. Think about it. How many times have you seen a great product and wondered why it hasn’t blown up already?
If you have good marketing, you can enjoy short-term success even with a weak product, but bad marketing can kill a good product.
So, a fitting approach is all you need to give your products an extra push. Here’s how you do it. Here are our seven types of advertising strategies.
23 Giugno, 2023
GameFi has become a hotspot for gamers, marketers, and businesses that want to take advantage of this trend.
But, with all the competition on the market, it’s not easy to cut through the noise and become a leading player in the gameFi sector. To do that, you need some strategies, and we’ve listed some here.
23 Giugno, 2023
This article will provide tips on how to effectively distribute a crypto PR release, including the importance of targeting the right media outlets, crafting a compelling message, and using social media to amplify your reach.
21 Giugno, 2023
Running ads on Facebook is not that simple for crypto companies because there are so many changes in regulation that you don’t know what to put or not put into your ads.
05 Giugno, 2023
Like any other project, be it conventional commerce or cryptocurrency commerce, a Celo project needs a strong marketing campaign to survive through the “Great Filter” and come out on top. Below we’ve outlined a few tips and strategies you can follow to reach the most success with a Celo project.
23 Maggio, 2023
In this article, we’ll explore the potential of blockchain in securing the IoT ecosystem.
18 Maggio, 2023
If you’re looking to implement a blockchain marketing strategy and are wondering how it works, read this guide to get a clear picture.
15 Maggio, 2023
Near Protocol is a blockchain specifically tailored for creating and hosting decentralized applications. Naturally, there are plenty of other projects based on this blockchain. However, for dApps, it works the best. So here is the question: how does one promote a Near Protocol startup?
11 Maggio, 2023
Cosmos is one of the leaders of the entire blockchain market when it comes to technical sophistication and capabilities and is well-known as the “blockchain of blockchains” due to its emphasis on providing interoperability for other networks.
10 Maggio, 2023
This article will delve into some key Cardano promotion strategies, discuss real-world examples of Cardano projects that made it big, and outline key lessons that new projects can learn from these trailblazers.
19 Aprile, 2023
Finally, Web 3.0 is on its way meaning that more people than ever could start making use of the World Wide Web anonymously and safely.
04 Aprile, 2023
We are always happy to share updates devoted to fruitful partnerships with the biggest companies in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industries. This time we are pleased to announce a major collaboration with De.Fi. It’s a popular Web3 super app and antivirus.
22 Marzo, 2023
Next month, on April 19-20, 2023 one of the most awaited conferences in Poland will be held. Conversion Conf, created by Conversion Club, is a multi-vertical affiliate event that will take place at EXPO XXI, Warsaw. This year, ICODA will be an official media partner of the conference.
16 Marzo, 2023
Starting from 2017, the Solana ecosystem has since developed beyond the DeFi space and is now a booming space for the fast-rising Web3 economy. To help you start to draw out a comprehensive plan for marketing promotion, here are a few tips that you can implement.
14 Marzo, 2023
Attention all forward-thinking founders! Brace yourselves for an unprecedented opportunity as two industry powerhouses, ICODA and InnMind, unite to launch an electrifying venture!
27 Febbraio, 2023
Great news, a new video with an ICODA team has appeared on the Satoshi Sean channel. This time, with Alina Hapkina, COO of the agency.
07 Dicembre, 2022
Creators and artists know that dealing with non-fungible tokens on the Ethereum network can be expensive due to gas fees. But they understand that NFT gas fees are the price to pay to create, sell and buy NFTs. Of course, this has a significant impact on NFT creators and artists. So, what do gas fees mean for artists?
16 Novembre, 2022
When a company grows from a start-up stage to a successful business, and when the number of employees and partners exceeds 50, the company’s project manager has to organize business processes to let the business develop.
28 Ottobre, 2022
Here is a new interview on the Crypto Rich YouTube channel! This time, Vlad Pivnev, CEO of ICODA, shared his thoughts about the growing ecosystem known as Cosmos.
25 Ottobre, 2022
We are glad to announce our partnership with DefiYield, one of the world’s leading investment platforms within the DeFi space. It’s a platform to invest in DeFi safely and manage digital assets with a full suite of innovative tools. The company is backed by a range of leading Venture Capital firms and prominent investors from all over the world.
24 Ottobre, 2022
A kind of add-on, the Ethereum blockchain, Polygon, was created to increase the flexibility, scalability, and autonomy of projects on the blockchain. As of June 2022, Polygon is running over 7,000 DeFi, Metaverse, Gaming, and NFT dApps. Let’s consider its features, what improvements have already been achieved and what else might need to be worked on.
21 Ottobre, 2022
Fintech marketing is a process of using online techniques to promote financial technology products and services. This is important for firms in the fintech industry because it can help them reach a wider audience and boost their visibility.
20 Ottobre, 2022
Web3 represents the evolution of how technology and data are used, leading to a wave of disruptive innovation across the globe.
20 Ottobre, 2022
Great news for all Ethereum fans. A new interview with Vlad Pivnev, CEO of ICODA, was published on Crypto Rich. Find all you need to hear about Ethereum merge, what it is, and how you can profit from this upgrade. Watch it now!
22 Settembre, 2022
This September 15, 2022, Ethereum’s long-awaited migration was finalized. Check out ICODA CEO Vlad Pivnev’s interview published on Youtube
21 Settembre, 2022
People are willing to pay millions of dollars for digital art objects realized in NFT space. Sometimes, even the creators of the NFT collection themselves are pleasantly amazed at how they accept and, more importantly, buy the NFT ideas they create.
13 Settembre, 2022
Introduction NFT has become a true phenomenon in recent years. NFT collections are being created at an increasing rate, and the number of followers of this type of project is already in the millions.
13 Settembre, 2022
Every month I analyze dozens of projects. These are P2E games, exchanges, NFT collections, DeFi projects and not only. In my opinion, the biggest problem in the success of the vast majority of projects is the lack of USP/ESP.
25 Agosto, 2022
What exactly does a crypto developer need to know about mods? Do blockchain developers need new mods on their discord servers? Who are Discord Mods anyway, and how do they affect interaction with the public, partners, and investors?
23 Agosto, 2022
Let’s say you own a unique or rare digital copy of something in the form of a non-fungible token. You can do anything with this NFT: keep it in your wallet, transfer it to another user, or sell it on the marketplace, for example, if the price and demand for the token increase. In this article, we will explain how you can sell your NFTs on specially created marketplaces.
16 Agosto, 2022
We are happy to announce that ICODA received a Clutch US Award! Throughout the year, Clutch takes the time to highlight the highest-ranking firms across industries and locations, and ICODA awarded this honour. Our company meets Clutch’s methodology’s standards of excellence and can be trusted by potential B2B customers to make their businesses soar.
29 Luglio, 2022
The blockchain has been making colossal strides ever since it entered the market. Apart from the innovations introduced in currency, trading, and consumer economics, it has also brought about a groundbreaking new form of entertainment: play-to-earn games, aka NFT games.
25 Luglio, 2022
Enthusiastic investors and programmers alike have been debating how to simplify the NFT marketplace for new users and make trading tokens more exciting. The answer was NFT gaming!
28 Giugno, 2022
Founded in 2017, the Tron project immediately attracted the attention of the crypto community thanks to vociferous statements. Tron has ambitious plans to create an infrastructure to decentralize the Internet-based on blockchain technology.
28 Giugno, 2022
Non-Fungible Tokens continue to gain momentum: just 5 years ago, the little-known NFT collection of Crypto Punks was released, but currently, it is one of the most famous and expensive forms of pixel art, and some of them cost several million dollars.
28 Giugno, 2022
It is hard to imagine Web3 without DAOs, same as without DeFi and Metaverses. Many modern DApps in decentralized finance are built using DAO rules and have no central authority. In this article, we will look at what Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO) mean for the world of cryptocurrencies and what role they play in the Web3 ecosystem.
27 Maggio, 2022
This short guide is devoted to one of the mainstream coins – Shiba Inu. Why is it so popular with investors? Why do they buy SHIB? These are the questions our experts are going to answer today.
27 Maggio, 2022
In 2021, the market of NFTs experienced a real test of strength – the number of transactions exceeded expectations in every conceivable way. The researchers noticed the NFT revolution. There still will be heated debates about the perspectives of non-fungible tokens for a long time.
27 Maggio, 2022
Blockchain technologies are now at the peak of popularity and have overcome a new developmental milestone. Almost everyone has the opportunity to master algorithms for creating their own tokens. The Binance Smart Chain platform is relatively recent and allows you to create BEP20 tokens, which is what you will learn about next.
27 Maggio, 2022
So far, the NFT is mostly popular in the entertainment industry, with most tokens issued for digital art and collectible items. However, the NFT offers significantly greater capabilities.
28 Aprile, 2022
Decentralized digital and cryptographically protected currencies are relatively new inventions. Different blockchains are trying to improve and simplify token development processes to gain a new audience and raise funds for their projects.
28 Aprile, 2022
Ethereum’s development team has unveiled a platform designed for ERC20 token development and secure dApps (decentralized applications) powered by smart contracts. But Ethereum was one of the first and leading ETH open source code solutions to introduce reliable token standards for creating custom digital assets used to provide development services even before this release.
25 Marzo, 2022
The sector of decentralized finances is skyrocketing. In our article, you will learn about DeFi smart contracts, their use, development opportunities, as well as about advantages and disadvantages of this instrument. Why do smart contracts in DeFi spread so rapidly and play a crucial role within the blockchain? Boost your knowledge with ICODA.
23 Marzo, 2022
Decentralized technologies will likely become the basis of the future Internet. The move to Web 3.0 will not happen overnight. However, solutions similar to decentralized applications are already here.
23 Marzo, 2022
We have great news: ICODA has expanded the list of countries, and now we have a representative in Israel, Tel-Aviv. So, contact us to schedule a meeting.
10 Febbraio, 2022
Decentralized finance, or DeFi for short, is the latest advanced e-finance ecosystem based on public blockchains. Like cryptocurrency, which is a peer-to-peer electronic money system, the new trend in this segment is serving as a fully peer-to-peer system of electronic financial instruments.
31 Gennaio, 2022
When the cryptocurrency first appeared, no one took it seriously. But every day, the world of crypto is growing and becoming more and more popular.
31 Gennaio, 2022
Digital assets became popular and gained mass adoption over the past few years. No matter if they work inside or outside financial or IT segments, more and more people are getting involved in it.
24 Giugno, 2021
Over the last few years, cryptocurrency has grown, both in price and popularity. Many industry leaders believe digital assets have the power to change finance and marketing forever.
18 Giugno, 2021
As the financial segment moves online, digital currencies will be the future. Cryptocurrency mass adoption continues to increase around the world, and Russia is not an exception. It is in the list of top-3 countries.
11 Giugno, 2021
Whether you are new to the world of digital assets or a professional, Twitter is one of the best ways to stay tuned.
It is an excellent social media platform for coverage of the cryptocurrency market. Influential leaders, the best crypto media websites — all have a Twitter account.
04 Giugno, 2021
So you have heard of digital coins that have taken the world by storm. You are looking to get involved somehow. What if you created a token or an altcoin?
If you know how to make a coin, your radical idea can become a reality.
27 Maggio, 2021
If you have a desire to start a new business and activate your own bitcoin exchange platform, then you definitely have to know not just about the development methods of the bitcoin exchange script but you need to know the features of this type of project.
19 Maggio, 2021
Today we will pay close attention to the growing trend – DeFi and identify the most promising areas of its development. Let’s dive into it.
17 Maggio, 2021
Marketing techniques and strategies mentioned in this article all take advantage of modern technology to successfully promote crypto exchange platforms. Let’s see what they are!
04 Maggio, 2021
Increasing your conversion rates is crucial. How do we improve our conversions, so we can get more customers with the traffic we already have? Check out our case below.
30 Aprile, 2021
In this article you will see a real case of our customers. Find out useful hacks, and the way we have promoted the project on Twitter.
23 Aprile, 2021
Our team has surpassed every road block in our quest towards the pinnacle of Blockchain development. We are excited to announce that our name has been featured in a recent press release about the top Blockchain developers in the industry published by TopDevelopers.co.
22 Marzo, 2021
In the blockchain world of ICO investors and crypto purists, influencers are individuals whose viewpoints can affect the price of cryptocurrencies.
Like every other online audience, cryptocurrency influencers utilize different social networking sites, such as Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram, to pump out content that reflects on blockchain and the internet subgroup formed around it.
12 Marzo, 2021
In September 2017, Chinese regulatory authorities disallowed initial coin offerings and cryptocurrency transactions in the country. In the immediate aftermath of these new restrictions, it is safe to assume that China is trying to control blockchain technology and its effects on the nation.
However, the reality of China’s ties with blockchain technology and crypto is much more complex than that.
25 Febbraio, 2021
At the end of 2020, the international payment operator Visa announced the release of a card with a cashback for purchases in bitcoins. The novelty was promised to be presented in a rather magnificent form: the card will be metal, and the service will not be cheap – as much as $200 per year. The card will be released together with startup BlockFi. From January 2021, everyone can get on the waiting list for a card, and the cards themselves will begin to be sent out in May.
14 Febbraio, 2021
Crypto entrepreneurs and companies understand that blockchain technology is entirely decentralized and have made an attempt to establish a comprehensive approach for crypto marketing. However, running a crypto ad campaign is no longer about buying a few ad spaces on social media and promoting value increases.
08 Febbraio, 2021
The terms Blockchain Technology and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) are often used interchangeably, causing many newcomers to think that they are one and the same. Time has come to prove this is not accurate. DLT is a broader term and includes several other technologies. Directed Acyclic Graph, also known as DAG, is another type of DLT.
05 Febbraio, 2021
There is loads of hype around cryptocurrency these days. Back in 2016, the only people that knew about cryptocurrencies were developers. This hype was greatly influenced by social media platforms. So how did cryptocurrencies get so popular?
25 Gennaio, 2021
Blockchain technology needs no introduction in the world of technology. The lack of clarity around the term has led to most people associating it with the digital currency, Bitcoin. However, this is not the case. Blockchain technology span over diverse sectors. To get a better grasp of these benefits, let’s look at how it works.
11 Gennaio, 2021
1,730. That’s how many cryptocurrencies have died by now according to Coinospy – a website that keeps track of failed coins. Given the fact that there have been over 7,000 cryptocurrencies in total, that’s a huge failure ratio. Do you know why so many cryptocurrencies fail? Well, there are multiple reasons.
30 Novembre, 2020
In this article, we shall review the differences between fiat and cryptocurrencies and understand how each affects the future of the global economic system.
20 Agosto, 2020
The supply dynamics of different cryptocurrencies have made it quite clear that digital currencies are here to stay. Will they experience setbacks?
21 Luglio, 2020
ICODA Agency can increase the value of projects by using targeted marketing for the project itself and your exchange.
01 Luglio, 2020
In this article, we described all the activities that need to be taken to create an effective marketing strategy for a cryptocurrency exchange.
02 Giugno, 2020
In this article, we’ll describe 3 possible ways of creating a cryptocurrency and outline what you should do to make it profitable.
08 Maggio, 2020
Before you create your own cryptocurrency, it is necessary to examine in detail all the features of this financial system.
31 Marzo, 2020
It seems that the question of the applicability of blockchain technology by financial institutions is no longer standing.
24 Marzo, 2020
How to promote cryptocurrency exchange without puzzling your head over it?
23 Marzo, 2020
We specialize in Crypto exchange, Crypto wallet, Smart Contract and Decentralized App Development. We can offer a custom Blockchain Solution.
20 Marzo, 2020
There was a time when blockchain used to be a specialized cryptographic infrastructure designed to accomplish certain niche objectives like creating an alternative digital currency or introducing a decentralized software marketplace.
07 Febbraio, 2020
For a crypto exchange to be successful, it has to identify its strengths and promote them to make its own mark in the industry.
06 Febbraio, 2020
If you are a crypto or blockchain startup, your challenges aren’t only of technical nature, but you have to be aware of the commercial side of your business as well.
04 Febbraio, 2020
Let’s consider the most interesting initiatives using the blockchain at the beginning of 2020.
05 Gennaio, 2020