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Sharon Shnaider

Head of Sales at ICODA


Sharon is a great sales specialist who will guide you through our services and provide the best solutions for your company. He is a reliable partner, and he will help you to reach positive results and fruitful collaboration..


Articles by Sharon Shnaider


Metaverse platforms change our understanding of our universe by providing users with virtual platforms where users can interact with each other as they would in the physical world. In this article, we will explain how metaverses enable earning income for users and what blockchain and cryptocurrencies have to do with them.


Digital collectibles, commonly known as NFTs or Non-Fungible Tokens, are stealing the show in the expanding NFT space as we speak. As the NFT craze soars, artists, collectors, and NFT creators better buckle up. With these slick marketing tactics to promote your NFT collection, you can woo potential buyers and make your masterpieces shine amid a bustling and vibrant NFT community.


We are excited to announce that ICODA is taking part in the Crypto Expo Dubai, organized by Hqmena. This event promises to be a pivotal moment in the industry’s calendar.


Fiat ramps act as the critical spark igniting the wildfire of mass digital currency adoption, aiding the conversion of conventional, government-backed fiat into high-profile cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, and vice versa.


Many enterprises are promising a future Internet led by smart contracts and decentralized, anonymous interaction. Today, we will discuss many of these enterprises and give a short list of companies to follow in the near future if your interest lies in Web3 spaces.

Web3 companies are backing decentralized Internet with blockchain technology

The world of cryptocurrencies, as well as blockchain technology, is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. This is why we are excited to announce that Crypto Summit in Russia is coming. ICODA’s very own Business Development Manager, Viktor Zhabin, will take part in the event.

利用 Coreum 增强企业实力:释放这一解决方案的潜力
利用 Coreum 增强企业实力:释放这一解决方案的潜力

In the fast-evolving landscape of blockchain technology, Coreum has emerged as a trailblazing platform, providing enterprises with an advanced blockchain solution. With a focus on core infrastructure and smart contracts, Coreum plans to revolutionize the way decentralized applications are developed and deployed. In this review, we will explore the key features and potential of Coreum while delving into its significance for the market and individuals.

Get an Instagram follower tracker to boost your Instagram account

Instagram follower count is important to a lot of people nowadays, but sadly, Instagram itself doesn’t supply deep enough means to audit Instagram followers. Hence, many independent developers have taken it upon themselves to build and maintain a plethora of follower-tracking apps. With the sea of options this field of software has to offer, we’ve decided it would be good to compile an Instagram follower auditing service list to help you pick out the best app for you.

探索Web3的未来,就在ETH Warsaw会议上。一个不容错过的活动。
探索Web3的未来,就在ETH Warsaw会议上。一个不容错过的活动。

For all blockchain enthusiasts who are eager to dive into the world of Ethereum, Web3, and its groundbreaking advancements, the ETHWarsaw conference is coming. It’s just around the corner, promising an exciting and educational experience for attendees.

ICODA Joins Forces as Media Partner of WikiExpo Australia 2023
ICODA加入澳大利亚WikiExpo 2023作为媒体合作伙伴

We are thrilled to announce that ICODA has become a partner for the highly anticipated event – WikiExpo Australia. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in the realms of technology, innovation, and information dissemination.

multi-segment marketing strategy

In recent years, a peculiar trend has been established: companies and businesses worldwide are considering multi-segment marketing strategies to yield better revenue. In this article, we will define these strategies and describe the advantages and disadvantages of using them. Read below to learn more about the multi-segment marketing strategy!


Google ads are a vast sea of untapped potential by the crypto community. If your target audience is people outside of the crypto community, Google Ads is the best network you can put out your ad on. The sheer amount of users on Google is unrivaled among other advertisement networks.

Learn about free-to-play web3 games

With the recent innovations in the gaming and cryptocurrency spheres, we are met with a new era of gaming. An era of gaming marked by decentralized finance and player-driven content.


Now, thanks to blockchain, users may now buy, sell, or trade digital assets and make money from playing. So, it’s the perfect era to come up with your own game idea and get a slice of the action. But how? Here’s how.

NFT Show Europe 2023与ICODA合作:WEB3和区块链领域的开创性活动
NFT Show Europe 2023与ICODA合作:WEB3和区块链领域的开创性活动

At ICODA, we are proud to be media partners to NFTSE 2023. Our mission is to help spread blockchain and work hard toward global integration.

Best ideas for your next crypto marketing strategy

The crypto space is growing every day. Crypto projects are rolling out what it feels like every week. In this time of oversaturation of the crypto project space, the best way to come out on top with your very own crypto project is to have strong advertising campaigns that help immediately distinguish your crypto venture from the competition.


Loopring is a blockchain ecosystem honed in on the development and production of Layer 2 applications within the DeFi space. In this short article, we will discuss and suggest many possible avenues your marketing campaign can go down into.


In the ever-evolving realm of blockchain wizardry, one digital phenomenon has captured the world’s imagination: non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Prepare to be enthralled as we unveil an all-encompassing blueprint for an astonishing NFT marketing extravaganza in 2023, where goals are conquered, strategies are unleashed, and success knows no bounds.

AI services can minimize transaction fees, improve technical analysis, and help with querying data.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions, particularly ChatGPT, have captured all the headlines since the start of 2023, and for a good reason because they show a near future where all sci-fi scenarios can turn into reality. You may wonder, “What is it” and “Is there any solid AI cryptocurrency for investment?” Let’s see.

Blockchain can secure transactions through private keys on a decentralized application platform. Such decentralized applications are a huge advantage for digital tokens

If you’re somewhat familiar with the cryptocurrency space, you surely have heard of whitepapers. You probably even have read some. Let’s see what whitepaper in blockchain means.


Starknet is an up-and-coming crypto project ecosystem that allows for Ethereum projects and DAPPs to reach previously unimaginable heights. Use the methods outlined below to boost your Starknet project’s success.


Prepare to witness a seismic shift in the crypto cosmos as the Bitcoin blockchain ignites a blazing revolution with its newfound groove – the remarkable rise of the BRC-20 token standard.


Polygon is the largest Layer 2 scalability solution for Ethereum and Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible blockchains. It is fully compatible with all major infrastructure projects in the DeFi space, such as ChainLink, SushiSwap, 1inch, and AAVE. Moreover, OpenSea – the largest NFT marketplace in the world, is powered by Polygon.


This article will explain what liquidity pools are and how they can be used to increase the profitability of crypto trading, including the benefits of liquidity provision and the potential risks involved.


Have you ever thought that one Tweet could influence cryptocurrencies? Yes, it’s possible. In this article, we’ll explore how Musk’s tweets have influenced the cryptocurrency market and the controversies surrounding his actions.


According to futurists, someday, AI algorithms could do everything that humans can do without making mistakes. So, is it possible to replace content creators with AI, or is it just a helpful tool? Let’s find it out.


In this article, we’ll discuss the reasons why attending a blockchain conference is a must for anyone interested in the crypto industry, including networking with like-minded individuals, learning from industry leaders, and staying up-to-date on the latest trends and developments.


Customers and obligations can be linked through to apply for personal loans, but donors are responsible for ongoing monthly payments. Peer-to-peer (P2P) financing is also known as “social banking” and “community finance.” Peer-to-peer is referred to as P2P.

2023年加密货币界最热门的趋势:别错过Crypto Corner的视频!
2023年加密货币界最热门的趋势:别错过Crypto Corner的视频!

Do you want to know what’s new in the cryptocurrency world and what is doomed to become popular? The time is now!
Check out the latest interview with Vlad Pivnev, CEO of ICODA.

NFT Hashtags: Why Is It So Crucial to Pick the Most Relevant Instagram Hashtags?
NFT Hashtags: Why Is It So Crucial to Pick the Most Relevant Instagram Hashtags?

In recent years, social media has gone from a new idea to an absolute must for an artistic individual. In the social media age, the more popular an NFT artist is, the more people on the Internet will see their work, and let’s be frank: it is a real challenge to select NFT hashtags.


It is important to note that Multi-Level-Marketing and blockchain have a similarity – they both are P2P models operating in a network. The mix of these things creates a powerful ecosystem.


Economic development and the digitalization of the financial world helped the definition of FinTech to emerge. The term was first published in The Sunday Times by Peter Knight in the 1980s, but the real development of FinTech technology began with the 2008 crisis, which was able to highlight many of the technological problems of the existing financial system.


To leverage them, it’s imperative to not just understand them but weigh the pros and check for possible cons. One such new technology in the world of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the blockchain is the NFT whitelist.


Email marketing for non-fungible tokens is one of the newest yet most powerful opportunities for combining the world of Web 2.0 with Web 3. Email marketing is an effective advertising strategy for your NFT promotion. It raises NFT project brand recognition business.

Telegram vs Discord: 它们是什么,它们有什么优势,平台之间的区别是什么?
Telegram vs Discord: 它们是什么,它们有什么优势,平台之间的区别是什么?

At the moment, there are numerous online communication platforms on the market. Among them, the leading positions are taken by 2. These are Telegram and Discord.


While it is easiest to create one or more NFT artworks, many artists and general users tend to create their own collections of non-fungible tokens. In this article, we will show you how to quickly post a collection for sale on NFT marketplaces.


With the advent of video games, virtual reality has become an integral part of our lives and plays an increasingly significant role in it. This article is about what Metaverses are, what role virtual Lands play in them, as well as how and where you can sell them.


The DeFi project can get a disproportionate profit, attracting many investors looking for a quick profit. In recent months, DeFi PR has taken the world by storm. Investors constantly striving for quick profits use DeFi projects to generate disproportionate profits. Last year, there was an incredible increase in the market value of DeFi.


Today, marketing is everything. It dictates whether a business succeeds or fails. We notice it everywhere, from our daily commute to our internet searches. The stronger the online marketing campaigns and the more varied ideas from marketing teams of a business are, the more customers it can accumulate.


The world is changing before our eyes, and above all, this concerns the most important sector – the economy and finance. Cryptocurrency projects appear almost daily and offer breathtaking opportunities.

EOS 项目推广:这个想法是否达到了预期?
EOS 项目推广:这个想法是否达到了预期?

If you are reading this article, you probably have heard about Bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies, and blockchain technology. Hundreds of projects are based on blockchain, and many of them have managed to get the same promotion as Bitcoin.


An NFT community is everyone who has an interest in an NFT project. NFT communities are key to the success of a project. Let’s talk about how to build an NFT community and get ahead in this thriving field.


CryptoPunks were one of the first and the most popular non-fungible tokens of the Ethereum blockchain. It was launched in 2017 by Larva Labs creative studio spearheaded by Matt Hall and John Watkinson.

制作一个NFT需要多少费用 – 新手的详细指南
制作一个NFT需要多少费用 – 新手的详细指南

NFT – non-fungible tokens – is a trend that has been actively developing over the past two years. NFT is a record in the blockchain ledger about the ownership of a digital asset. The NFT world continues its victorious march, attracting not only NFT artists but also large businesses.

什么是 DeFi 钱包:加密货币社区的最佳选择
什么是 DeFi 钱包:加密货币社区的最佳选择

DeFi ecosystem is a good alternative to the common exchange operations, brokers, and banking systems. DeFi protocols enable the development of a new generation of financial products, with profits growing by 2000% by the end of 2021. All this makes fin services easier.


The NFT industry has gone mainstream. Today, it is no longer just a “hype topic” but an entire ecosystem with its own rules and features that have significantly impacted the digital asset market.


Discord long established itself as THE social platform for gamers. However, in recent years, it’s been home to countless communities outside gaming and has helped them advertise their products, including NFT, and engage with their community.


Blockchain and smart contracts are buzzwords that come up often, and it comes with high expectations. There is talk of changes similar to those that have taken place since the introduction of the Internet, as well as the abolition of conventional agreements, which in the future will be concluded quickly and digitally – in the form of program code.


Crypto collectibles tokens have become the main trend of 2021: digital pictures, little known to anyone a few years ago, are now worth millions of dollars.

Yield Farming Tokens的使用方式是怎样的?让我们搞清楚术语
Yield Farming Tokens的使用方式是怎样的?让我们搞清楚术语

A yield farming token is a key term for yield farmers. Instead of cryptocurrency, all yield farming platforms use their own native tokens, which allow unifying financial exchange.


An NFT marketplace – a great startup idea for 2022. Find a professional NFT token development company and start making money – non-fungible tokens are expected to become the main trend of the year.


ICODA crypto marketing agency and universal crypto space QUBE are now partners! Join an extensive network of agencies, publications, and influencers growing and making money with us.


Digital art projects are of immense value today. This raises a number of questions, such as why digital artists need NTFs and what can be done with such tokens other than buying or selling them. They represent the future of the blockchain.

Choose the Best Crypto Podcast
Choose the Best Crypto Podcast

The article will discuss the most popular podcasts devoted to cryptocurrencies, market news, mining, technical analysis, and trading. Remember that all podcasts are in English, so this is also a great way to boost your skills.


The DeFi space is developing rapidly, thanks to profitable farming. Farming attracts many users and investors with its high profitability. Curve is one of the most popular protocols in the world of profitable farming. In this article, we will take a look at it.


The DeFi space is in constant dynamic development. Thanks to investors who want to increase their assets. These platforms allow you to get high returns from transactions, which attracts a large number of people. This article will help you find the best solution for you and choose the right platform.

PancakeSwap的产量农业,用于 passiv 收入
PancakeSwap的产量农业,用于 passiv 收入

PancakeSwap is a platform that allows firms to borrow a necessary amount of money in crypto and investors to earn passive income. Check out everything you need to know about yield farming.


White label P2P lending is common, like traditional bank loans. But what is a P2P lending platform, and why is it so popular? Let’s look at this in the article.


How does blockchain ensure security? Find out everything you need to know about its principles and peculiarities right here.


This article takes a comprehensive plunge into the real-world viabilities of 2021 blockchain applications, use cases and business ideas and whether they can impact small business organizations.


The digital revolution of blockchain technology and virtual assets is upon us. Every day, these technologies are taking more and more relevance into regular financial transactions as the world begins to see the power of fintech solutions.


Crypto affiliate networks are growing in popularity and are becoming a hot topic. The industry of digital assets itself is now worth more than three hundred and fifty billion dollars, despite experiencing a crash earlier on in 2018.




Today‌ ‌we‌ ‌would‌ ‌like‌ ‌to‌ ‌share‌ ‌with‌ ‌you‌ ‌an‌ ‌interesting‌ ‌interview‌ ‌with‌ ‌trader‌ ‌Ignat.‌ ‌Ignat‌ ‌has‌ ‌been‌ ‌trading‌ ‌for‌ ‌four‌ ‌years‌ ‌and‌ ‌we‌ ‌asked‌ ‌him‌ ‌to‌ ‌share‌ ‌his‌ ‌vision‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ ‌field‌ ‌and‌ ‌key‌ ‌tips.‌