

在2020年底,国际支付运营商Visa宣布推出一张用比特币购物返现的信用卡。这个新奇的信用卡承诺以相当华丽的形式推出:信用卡将是金属制的,而服务也不会便宜 – 每年高达200美元。这张信用卡将与初创公司BlockFi一起发布。从2021年1月起,每个人都可以加入信用卡的等待名单,而实际的借记卡或信用卡将从5月份开始发放。

Plastic cards for cryptocurrencies are a digital technology marvel that combines the convenience of a debit or credit card with the power of digital money. These credit cards serve as a bridge between the world of traditional financial payments and the evolving digital payment ecosystem. Debit or credit card works as a typical plastic for money, it's an easy technology: you can pay almost anywhere with mobile device and keep your coin there.

这张信用卡的原则大致类似于银行业务中的同类产品:每次购物都会积累返现,但返现不是以传统货币形式,而是以比特币形式。该信用卡由Evolve Bank发行。据称,它们目前只在美国有效,但BlockFi的代表敦促其他国家的公民也加入等待名单。

Credit, debit card for crypto currency coin to use at any digital platform | Credit cards as a plastic for coin transactions and online payments

将借记卡或信用卡与加密货币关联的想法很难称之为新颖。关于这个问题的第一次讨论几乎是从它出现的那一刻开始的 – 加密社区从2011年和2012年就开始积极讨论使用塑料卡支付各种加密货币购物和服务的可能性。值得注意的是,当时分析师们首次预测银行系统的崩溃:与使用加密货币的优势相比,银行系统似乎过于古老、不方便、不透明和不可靠。当然,如果认为银行不会反抗市场细分,那就太愚蠢了。但即使在那时,显然,如果银行产品找不到适应迅速变化的现实的方法,那么投资者和分析师的话很可能迟早会成为预言。2015年,提供将塑料卡与加密货币钱包关联服务的项目数量开始以几何级数增长。现在,用户有超过30个项目可供选择。然而,应该注意,由于加密货币的法规特点,加密货币卡领域发展缓慢。最保守的银行甚至宣布抵制使用虚拟资产的塑料卡的想法,为迅速赢得了广受欢迎的小型初创公司让路。

One of the key benefits of using plastic cards for cryptocurrencies is their versatility in handling various forms of digital currency, making them an essential device for modern financial transactions. You only need one credit card to access multiple cryptocurrencies and manage your money with ease.



  • 在提供信用卡的服务或银行注册;
  • 获取新的加密货币钱包/将现有钱包与服务关联;
  • 获取制造的塑料卡;
  • 使用任何交易激活标准信用卡 – 与经典信用卡一样。


Plastic cards for cryptocurrencies have become a popular choice for managing digital money efficiently. These innovative devices blend the convenience of a credit card with the power of cryptocurrency technology, allowing users to make secure payments. Whether you need to convert your digital coins into cash or make everyday payments, these cards offer a seamless solution. You can manage your finances with just one plastic card, eliminating the need for multiple payment methods. This technology ensures your money remains safe and accessible, making it a versatile and essential device for crypto enthusiasts. With plastic cards for cryptocurrencies, you can make cashless transactions and access your funds whenever you need. These cards simplify financial management, making them an indispensable tool for navigating the digital money landscape.


These cards enable quick and secure payments, ensuring your money remains safe as you make cashless transactions in the digital realm. With the advent of these innovative payment devices, you can seamlessly convert your digital coins into traditional currency, allowing you to use your cryptocurrency funds for everyday expenses.









Whether you're a crypto enthusiast or a newcomer to the crypto space, plastic cards for cryptocurrencies are an indispensable tool that simplifies your financial journey and ensures you stay connected to the evolving world of digital money. You can pay almost anywhere with any device: mobile app or the card


Advcash Mastercard Cards offer a seamless and secure way to access your cryptocurrency money, allowing users to make credit payments and withdraw cash at ATMs with ease. With these cards, you can effortlessly convert your digital coins into cash, making it a versatile option for managing your cryptocurrency wealth.

Advcash Mastercard卡


The Visa card from Bitwala not only provides the convenience of spending your digital coins like a credit card but also supports seamless money payments and transactions. It serves as a bridge between the crypto world and traditional finance, allowing users to easily access their money in cash when needed.


这张卡在欧洲用户中最常见。它由Wavecrest Holding Ltd的支持发行。也许它最主要的优势是,除了比特币,这张塑料卡还支持其他替代币,并且允许从加密货币账户以欧元和美元的形式转账到欧洲的任何银行账户。

Cryptopay's cutting-edge technology empowers users to convert their digital coins (money) into traditional currency, making credit payments and online transactions a breeze. With Cryptopay, you can effortlessly manage your cryptocurrency holdings and use them for various payments, ensuring that your money is easily accessible.



Coinbase Shift credit Cards combines cryptocurrency and credit technology, enabling users to seamlessly spend their digital coins as if it were cash. It offers a convenient way to access your money in cryptocurrency assets and make credit payments, ensuring that your money is always at your fingertips when you need it.

Coinbase Shift Card


The Binance credit Card is a powerful financial device that allows users to convert their cryptocurrencies into cash, making it a versatile tool for managing your digital money. With this card, you can make credit payments and access your funds in cash, giving you the flexibility to use your cryptocurrency as you would traditional money.

Binance Card
