Published: 2月 7, 2020

オピニオンリーダー インフルエンサーにあなたの暗号プロジェクトを語らせる

ICODAエージェンシーを利用することで、ブロックチェーンスタートアップのためのPRとプロモーションの最も革新的で効率的な戦略を利用するユニークな機会を得ることができます。 ウェブサイト開発、オンライン・オフラインキャンペーンとともに、オピニオンリーダー(特定の分野で権威を確立し、フォロワーを説得できる人々)の助けを借りることができます。

Get the Most Out of Blockchain Opinion Leaders with ICODA Agency!

Why do we find this cryptocurrency marketing strategy so effective? Here are just a couple of reasons that are sure to convince you:

  • Potential investors tend to trust opinion leaders. If such an influential crypto expert promotes your startup – it MUST be reliable, profitable, and competitive!
  • The more people talk about your blockchain project, the better. When the project is mentioned in media and on TV, during various conferences and meetings, it becomes one of the most suitable and evident solutions for capital investment.
  • With the help of opinion leaders, you don’t need so much of PR and promotion. Your blockchain startup will be given a great push for promotion without extra costs.

The team of our highly experienced marketing analysts, content creators, software developers, and marketers is ready to promote your solution among the most influential blockchain opinion leaders. We are acquainted with those experts, whose point of view is highly valued all over the world. They will mention your brand at multiple conferences and meetings, in blogs and social media, convincing people to buy your products or invest into them.

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