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Anna Bondarchuk

Product Manager


Anna is a product manager that has significant expertise in the sphere of influence marketing. She knows how to find the best opinion leaders for any project within the whole cryptocurrency and blockchain spheres.

Artículos de

ICODA participará en el evento global 1000X para potenciar el futuro de la innovación
ICODA participará en el evento global 1000X para potenciar el futuro de la innovación

We at ICODA are happy to announce that Vlad Pivnev, CEO of the agency,  will take part in 1000x.Global Crypto Conference as a speaker. Stay tuned for the upcoming details!

CoinFest Asia 2023 Unifica a las comunidades de Blockchain y Web3 en un Gran Evento
CoinFest Asia 2023 Unifica a las comunidades de Blockchain y Web3 en un Gran Evento

The much-anticipated event is coming! It is a gathering of Web3 enthusiasts and blockchain professionals. We are proud to announce that ICODA is a media partner of CoinFest Asia.

ICODA es un socio mediático del NBX Warsaw Summit
ICODA es un socio mediático del NBX Warsaw Summit

Great news! We at ICODA are happy to announce a media partnership with the NBX Warsaw Summit, one of the most important events within the Web3 segment.

Conferencias sobre Cripto y Blockchain en 2023: ¿Cómo Preparar a tu Equipo con Anticipación?
Conferencias sobre Cripto y Blockchain en 2023: ¿Cómo Preparar a tu Equipo con Anticipación?

It’s crucial for all cryptocurrency and blockchain participants to get involved in the sphere on a higher level. Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this quick guide, we are going to explain all the steps that you should take. As a sweet bonus, we’ll share the list of upcoming events within the space. Let’s jump right in!