
在这个时代,公司使用他们的武器库中的每一个促销工具来建立他们的客户群,所以他们不能忽视公共关系(PR)。 但是,当涉及到企业对企业(B2B)企业时,在与其他公司而不是常规客户沟通时,他们必须考虑公关的独特方面。

作为一家科技公司,您可能想知道,什么是B2B tech PR? 我们甚至需要它吗? 如果是这样,我们如何才能充分利用它? 这是你所有问题的答案。

When it comes to public relations, B2B compannies cannot ignore the impact of PR professionals in attracting potential customers



当企业专注于公关时,他们可以有效地处理并在当前和未来的客户,供应商,人员和合作伙伴中建立自己的形象。 B2B tech PR的目标是通过获得支持性媒体报道来提升公司在目标受众眼中的形象。





想象一下,您的信息可能会达到目标受众的20,000,40,000甚至60,000,因为它包含在您所在行业的热门贸易报纸中。 现在,让我们想象一下,这是20出版物,而不是一个。

此外,这不仅仅是你推广你的服务。 当媒体讨论您的故事以及您如何解决市场上的重大需求时,它比您为公司投放的任何广告都有效得多,因为赞美来自其他人,而不是您。


将B2B PR与B2C PR进行比较时,很明显存在显着差异。


B2B公司不能忽视公共关系。 B2C公司可以轻松地与更广泛的受众交谈,使他们更容易建立兴奋和病毒传播。 使用公共关系,您可以在目标受众中生成相同级别的嗡嗡声。

A top PR firm knows how to use the right media channel for your target audiences to generate buzz and help with crisis management


所以,现在你明白了B2B技术公关的潜力和吸引力,但只有你做得对,它才能开花结果。 我们已经概述了一个分步指南来帮助你做到这一点。


公关活动可以大规模开始。 对于一个公司来说,简化和执行一个具体的战略是更明智的,不管它是新的还是持续的。 尽最大努力将注意力集中在您想要与您的品牌互动的特定人群上。



Think About What You Want to Say and How You Want to Say It.

Every company needs to understand their brand’s central messages, such as the benefits of their products and services. Business executives must thoroughly understand the technology and confidently express its significance and value to current customers and clients.

After identifying these overarching goals, a third-party expert agency or an in-house team can develop a plan that effectively conveys them.

Get the Press Releases in Order

Most companies need to think about how to include their own news in the PR plan. Bringing fresh talent, scaling operations, forming new partnerships, expanding the company’s customer base, developing innovative products, securing investments, and other similar events are all good news to share.

Giving such news to the media, preferably in an exclusive coverage, can make sure you get the coverage you deserve.

Reaching out with personalized pitches

Once the announcement is out, you may still make direct contact with some reporters and offer them more tailored pitches.

Some will message every journalist on their contact list at once. This causes your sources to tune you out and become less interested in your news. Using such tactics won’t fly in B2B public relations. You want industry experts to cover your release.

At this point, you’ll want to pull out your contact lists. If you’re going to get your story into the hands of the reporters you want to cover, you need to learn about them, the stories they cover, and the topics they discuss on social media.

Start Paying Attention With Daily Monitoring

If you ignore the news and consumer trends regularly, it’s going to be tough to stay on top of the game. Start by assigning an employee to monitor searches on Google and social media platforms.

Then, use Google Alerts or another system to learn about any developments that matter to your company. 

PR agencies use their media relations to promote you as industry leaders and build a positive reputations in the eyes of the general public

Don’t Ignore Data

Almost every B2B IT company cannot function without data. Whether it’s marketing or PR, you need to get the most out of your data, such as customer and industry performance indicators, financial growth, or technological achievements.

If permission is granted, you can share the metrics with the public and media to prove your claims and show your success.

Use Real-World Examples

Real-life use cases are an excellent way to demonstrate effective technology projects with clients and associates. The data you collect will be helpful, but so will a tangible example of your company’s success in the marketplace.

If your client or business associate is enthusiastic about taking part in the case study, you’ll be able to have an even greater impression. You can set up campaigns where a famous figure comes on TV and promotes your technology.

Another is co-authoring whitepapers/blog posts/social content creation/etc.

Partner Up with Expert PR Team

You may keep doing public relations in-house if you choose, but the most successful businesses are now using third-party PR agencies.

To help get the word out about your business, B2B PR agencies have established relationships with many outlets. They can use the art of narrative to wow readers in ways that you can’t.

A pro PR firm can give you a positive reputation through deep connections with the media

How to Find the Right Team?

B2B IT firms have a broad perspective and love constant innovation. The vast majority of them want to be known for their efforts. So, you need a PR agency that can sell your stories without getting lost trying to understand the development of your products.

Ideally, you want to find a B2B tech PR team that:

Grasps the Impact of Tech on Your Clients

Far too often, public relations firms use a lack of technical knowledge as an excuse to avoid researching the services they promote.

Promoting a product is most effective when the people you pay to do so have a firm grasp on the product’s functionality and market.

Doesn’t dumb down advanced technology

Sometimes, it helps to break things down into their simplest form. However, if your PR agency simplifies your cutting-edge technology into catchy soundbites full of marketing jargon, it may take away from the ingenuity of your innovation. 

At times, you don’t have a choice but to use a technical, detailed description to convey the whole message to the audience, and top PR firms in this space know that. 

You should look for PR agencies that understand the value of technology and how public relations can show that value to a larger audience

Understand the Value of Technology

Many PR firms see B2B as dull and uninteresting compared to consumer technology. The top firms understand that B2B technology and platforms create the foundation of all consumer goods. None of those popular cool gadgets get to see the light of day without them.

Can Keep Up with Your Development

The public relations industry is notorious for viewing product launches and releases as two entirely distinct occasions. An intelligent PR firm will realize that one invention naturally leads to another and that this snowball effect will help your business get more press attention.

It Connects Your Gadgets to the Headlines

Innovation doesn’t happen in isolation. You must pick a PR firm that attaches your B2B technology to a broader news context.

When a new iPhone is introduced to the public, for instance, there are several side stories that are presented about the many pieces of equipment, systems, and procedures that went into its production.

If you want positive PR outcomes, you need to find PR agencies that are passionate about your story

Likes to Talk up B2B Technology Stories

The fact that a business is making a tech announcement doesn’t mean you must be all academic and boring. To get the best possible results, your B2B tech PR firm should collaborate with you to develop fresh and eye-catching messages.

Cherishes the Value of Tech

A PR firm passionate about technology will easily convince journalists that your advances are newsworthy. If they don’t, the reporter will get the impression that they aren’t serious about the story.

A PR agency knows how to use the power of public relations to establish thought leadership and separate you from other businesses

Bottom Line

We hope this guide gives you a clearer understanding of the resources and techniques you’ll need to build your brand’s image and prove your expertise in the tech sector. As you can see, public relations (PR) for business-to-business firms is complex. In most cases, it’s not just a step-by-step process you can use alone. 

You deal with media, and media means connections and infrastructure, something that you can only find in a pro PR agency like ICODA.

We’ve taken so many tech companies to the next level via B2B PR, and we can do the same for you as well. Just get in touch, and let’s put you on the map.