
我们的视觉语言反映了我们的价值观和我们的社区。 简单,但多样化。 低调而永恒,但大胆而充满活力。 以下是您代表我们品牌时的提示。



We’re ICODA. We’re not i coda, or Icoda or icoda. Just simply ICODA. You can do it!

Usage and taglines

The wordmark and logomark should always be used independently of each other, but can be paired with a tagline for relevant contexts. Taglines and lockups should be sourced from these files and not constructed from scratch.

The wordmark and logomark should always be used independently of each other, but can be paired with a tagline for relevant contexts. Taglines and lockups should be sourced from these files and not constructed from scratch.

Usage and taglines

Color palette

The ICODA color palette is as diverse as our community—it spans the spectrum.

